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We, the Catholic Church of St. Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes in Caldwell, will continue to proclaim the Good News that Jesus Christ is Lord. We go forth as a sacramental people to serve the family of God, to grow in our faith, and to pray and work for peace and justice.
We seek to do this through:
Encouraging participation in stewardship and by calling all parishioners to share their time, talent, and treasure.
Emphasizing the importance of educating our children in the importance of our faith.
Respecting the teachings of the Church and our Catholic traditions.
Celebrating the Eucharist through the liturgy and the sacraments.
Witold Pruszkowski, “Eloe Among the Graves,” 1892, National Museum, Wrocław, Poland
A Catholic perspective on ghost stories reveals why some apparitions may...
Pope Francis
O God, look with favor on Pope Francis
and grant that as Peter's successor
he may be a visible source of unity in faith.
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Important! Religious Education Class Cancellation!
"REMINDER" - Religious Education class for January 29, 2025 will begin at 5:30 p.m. This is to make up for time lost due to weather. THIS TIME CHANGE WILL BE FOR THIS CLASS ONLY. All remaining classes for the semester will resume at 6:00 p.m. Sherri Chmelar, Director of Religious Education